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John Parkinson - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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John Parkinson
Nacido enIllinois
88 years
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Jeri Dean Rimel
Good bye old friend till we meet again.
Marylee Beich Gendron
I have so many wonderful memories of Rex, he was a great influence in my life. We all had so much fun together and great horses!
Jane Jacobs
Will remember all the times you told me a joke and had me in stitches at many UPHA Conventions over the years!
Van & Stan Leedy
Remembering all the Christmas dinners and the job assignments on the bottom of the plates.
Lorrie Hesselrode
In memory of my Uncle Rex.
Número total de Velas: 5
Páginas: 1  « 1 »
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